Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gaffer District Corning = Not Worth It

Someone asked me why I bother bringing the issues of the Gaffer District to everyone's attention via this blog. The answer is simple - the Corning Gaffer District doesn't care about residents - only businesses.

I wouldn't expect to have a decent quality of life living in an industrial park. I would know - this place is for businesses. The Gaffer District promotes itself as being a nice, clean, trendy, and hip place to live - but that is not the case. The Gaffer District is only interested in helping building owners rent their apartments - they don't care about the quality of life the tenants get once they move in. If they did, they would stand up for the residents and stop all of the DPW noise at night.

A few nights ago a DPW crew was using a large bucket loader to take down snowflake decorations at 1:00am. I am not anti-business, but most businesses on the street are closed after 6-8pm. The Gaffer District couldn't have taken down the decorations at 9:00pm instead of 1:00am?

I would much rather have my evening television watching interupted by the rumbling of multiple diesel engines, as compared to my sleep when I (and my neighbors) have to get up in the morning.

There are at least 10 other individuals, couples, or families that live within two buildings of my apartment, so I'm certain the bucket loader and diesel engines kept them awake as well.

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